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About Us

Hong Qie Mission creates social value. We live up to that ideal by delivering reliable and innovative infrastructure solutions to our clients most complex challenges. Founded in 1999, Hong Qie is a leading domestic engineering and manufacturing company. Our principal activities focus on steel grating and structure, and we specialize in these major markets: Energy Power Generation Ship Water Machinery With more than a decade of manufacturing experience, Hong Qie covered 11,000 square meters and equipped with two advanced steel grating production lines and kinds of large mechanical processing equipment. We allow our clients to focus on their businesses and simplify their lives with a single point of contact. Hong Qie products offerings include : We are a professional manufacturing company in

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In August 26th, the new office held a news conference, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Secretary Zhang Mao to previously published enterprise information publicity Provisional Regulations interpretation and explanation. P...

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